Videocity x Container City Festival Stuttgart
Kunstverein Wagenhalle e.V., Innerer Nordbahnhof 1, 70191 Stuttgart
As part of this year's Container City Festival at the Kunstverein Wagenhalle, the international network Videocity, led by curator Andrea Domesle (born in Heilbronn, lives in Basel), was invited to display a selection from the current cycle "Utopia in the Present" on two 60-inch monitors. With its contribution to the Container City Festival Stuttgart, Videocity also presents the way the 17-member team and network works: individual curators present their perspective on the theme by making their personal selection from an extensive pool of works that was researched together beforehand.
Curators: Anouk Sebald, Walter Seidl and Videocity-Team
Monitor 1: Abdulnasser Gharem, ETAGE, Zongbo Jiang, Anouk Sebald, Kwang-Ju Son
Monitor 2: Sabine Bitter & Helmut Weber, Nicolas Jasmin, Anna Jermolaewa, nagl∼wintersberger, Kay Walkowiak, Marko Zink