Beauty in Simplicity
26.12.2024 – 29.01.2025
REX Box, Kino REX Bern, Schwanengasse 9, 3011 Bern, daily, 13:30 to 24:00
Schaufenster der Mediothek HKB, Fellerstrasse 11, 3027 Bern, Mon-Fri 9:00-17:00
Artists: Vital Z'Brun, Terra Neidorf and James Stephen Wright.
Curators: Polina Chizhova and Ronja Hensle (Videocity Team).
In a world characterised by consumption and hustle & bustle, nature offers a special retreat. “Beauty in Simplicity” is more than a concept; it is an invitation to take a fresh look at the natural foundations of our lives and to recognise the complex relationships in which we are embedded. But while we recognise this beauty, we must also look at the reality of the destruction that we have brought about through our actions. Humans have severely disrupted this cycle through urbanisation, pollution and the extinction of species.
Conflicts and wars also accelerate extinction; they destroy habitats and permanently disrupt delicate ecological balances. This destruction has devastating effects not only on nature but also on ourselves. A return to nature inspires us to act more responsibly and to find new solutions that promote the balance between people and the environment. “Beauty in Simplicity” challenges us not only to connect more deeply with nature, but also to actively protect it.