Utopia Today x REX Box x HKB Mediothek
28.03.– 01.05.2024
3.4.2024, 18:30-19:30 in room REX2: Curator Andrea Domesle in discussion with the artist Anouk Sebald. She took part in Videocity “Flower Power” exhibition at Art Busan and SONGEUN in Seoul in 2023 and will share her experience.
Videocity intern Jiwon Choi is available for further information in Korean
REX Box (former box office), REX Bern, Schwanengasse 9, 3011 Bern, daily 13:30 to 24:00
Schaufenster der Mediothek HKB, Fellerstrasse 11, 3027 Bern, Mon-Fri 9:00-17:00,
Artists: Copa & Sordes, Youngjoo Cho, Anouk Sebald, Kwang-Ju Son, Olga Titus, Gyonyoung Yoon.
Curated by Gyo Yoon, Seoul, Andrea Domesle, Basel, both from Videocity team.
“Utopia Today – Flower Power”
Five women artists and an artist duo speak of “Utopia” in their experiences – a strong yet sophisticated message translated into intriguing visual languages. With their video works, they examine the social norms and shifts caused by technology, while reflecting on the implications on the understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Could Utopia be realised by sharing each other’s points of view?
Each video guides the viewers to explore the inner and outer self-awareness in their own unique way. We can reflect on what we can do now to make the world better. “Flower Power” creates new connections and inspires us to open ourselves up to others.