EYE/VIEW x Tehuantepec
10. – 30.06.2022, daily from 12:00 to 17:00
Casa Guietiqui, San Sebastian, 70760 Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico
“Augen-Blick” translates from German as “Eye-View”, however the original word has another meaning. “Augenblick” is an instant, a moment in which something happens, it's what occurs in the blink of an eye. An event is experienced as filtered by the gaze, or, in other words, by the eye looking itself, as well as behind the eye, where is a multitude of other incidents take place, discreetly injecting the hidden memory into reality.
What can we say, then, of the gaze of the lens – an eye that can never blink and whose mechanism marks an event, a video that is recorded and can be looked as many times as wanted. Unlike the human gaze, where, because of our illusions, what is seen is never recorded as a faithful copy. The cybernetic gaze is constantly present, always attentive, at the top of a pole or sleeping in our pocket. When active, it inspects, checks, revises, reviews, projects, captures and distorts. Similarly to the alchemic process, what is captured by the camera is transformed in image that flows and becomes disseminated, yet, it is suspected that its influences are capable of capturing the gaze, of seducing the eye and trigger oscillations in peoples moods.
The exhibition Eye/View reunites seven German and Mexican artists who explore the complex relation between viewing and being seen, registering and being captured b our or someone else's gaze, or even by the gaze of a lens and the digital eye of pixelated gaze that observes through the screen.
10.06. at 19:00
Opening with a performance by Klaut.
Artists: Mia Bailey, Anette C. Halm, Ximena Fargas, Roberto Flores, Hanne Jiménez Turcott, Belle Shafir, Melanie Wiora.
Curated by Xavier Kat.